
how to use urbosa's fury

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Zelda: Breath of the Wild "OMG I didn't know you could do that!" thread [SPOILERS]

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  • #101
Once you get Urbosa's fury, group fights become trivial. Just use it and pick off all the weaklings and then focus down the big tough ones or vice versa. It seems to grow in strength as your hearts increase but don't quote me on that since before I had 8 hearts the Blue Bokoblins wouldn't die and now they die to the storm. The damage might scale with the weapon though so I dunno.
It also hard counters all bosses minus the very last form of Ganon and Thunderblight due to him being before the buff. You can skip the super armor on Ganonblight to finish the fight fast if you time your useage correctly.
All your buffs from the champion spirits recharge much faster within Hyrule castle so spam all of them if you want to just cruise through the castle.
  • #102
Yep, but you can't use it on spiky balls.

You most certainly can use the cryonis rune on those. You need to wait until they are close enough behind you though.
Really? I swear i tried it without the pepper and it didnt work. But I'll try again, thanks.

It probably depends on the area where it explodes. Dry grass burns much easier than wet grass or even normal green grass. Something substantial needs to be actively burning to create the updraft usually.
  • #103
Equip a metal weapon while you have the Gerudo helmet on and lightning will still strike you like normal but do no damage. It turns you into a walking lightning rod that can decimate enemies.

Equipping rubber pants allows you to equip metal armor during a lightning storm and not get hit (will still hit you if you have metal weapons on though)

Knocking a moblin off a horse and immediately mounting it will give you an already tamed horse that immediately listens to all of your commands.

  • #104
You can use stasis on enemies on horseback and freeze the enemy and not the horse.

You can drop and detonate bombs while hang-gliding.

  • #105
Also appears on the tip page. But always throw your weapon when near break point as it does doible damage.

I'm pretty sure any last hit of a weapon will be a critical one.
Sep 12, 2014
  • #106
The physics in this game are great, but a little wonky. You can exploit physics in a couple of shrines.

Off the top of my head, the swinging balls on chains can be wrapped around the beams that hang them using magnesis so you can completely bypass the goal of the swinging gauntlet of many balls.

The puzzles where the tilt controls a rolling ball through a maze get super easy if you're not in tablet mode - flip the controller over and you have a non-maze surface to roll the ball around with and flip it up where you need to go.

Any puzzle that has you deliver something you can attach octo balloons to it. and once its high off the ground and its balloons are popped, stasis it and apply some horizontal momentum, and watch it land at the final platform.

This is pretty obvious because the game teaches you it, but if you hit a metal object or water with a shock arrow its radius increases. Hit metal armor or weapons on lizalfos to shock the troop.

  • #107
I'm pretty sure any last hit of a weapon will be a critical one.

Does it stack? I thought throwing damage was always 2x damage.
  • #108
I'm hoping for a lot far hard mode because there's a lot of cool shit for the player to utilize. But I fear that most of it will be moot unless they nerf armor upgrades and limit eat spamming.
  • #109
- throwing at full health


  • #110
- You can stasis apples and use them as tiny bullet projectiles
- Magnetize metal objects in a lightning storm (a sword for example), electricity is not conducted to you, and it allows for a greater level of control than throwing.
- Stealth works better with more ambient noise around (rain, waterfalls, etc. will obscure the sounds you make)
- Not 100% sure on this, but I think that animals detect you easier downwind.
  • #111
I hit one of those mini lava rock dudes with an ice sword. It neutralized the lava entirely and I picked it up and threw it off a cliff.

Damn, that had to be rough. I played around with freeze for a while so I knew what was up during that segment.

Well it kinda sucked when i had 0 arrows left for waterblight and i didnt realise i could use the rune to break those blocks he was throwing at me haha.
  • #112
- throwing at full health

i knew everything but this

what the FUCK

  • #113
Not mind blowing but today I found out that bomb arrows do not work in the rain as their fuse goes out and it shoots a dud.
Dropping chu chu jellys in freezing water turns them white. Chu chu jellys near fire will turn red. Near electricity will turn yellow. I mostly use red ones as fire starters since I dont like using flint or arrows.

I always forget to use element chuchu jelly, fire is so useful.
  • #114
I feel like an idiot now for shooting them down with arrows

oh man, that fight must have sucked for you. I thought this was a really neat use of the cryonis rune.
  • #115
You can paraglide directly on your horse.

You can shieldsurf from a paraglide and paraglide during a shieldsurf.

  • #116
If you grab some honeycomb, and the bees start chasing you, patching them over any sort of open flame (with smoke) will instantly incapacitate the bees.

"Smoking out" bees is done in real life to immobilize bees when extracting honey.

  • #117


i knew everything but this

what the FUCK

Haha, it was the first thing I tried
"Can I lose it?" then I was like "Ooooh, I see what you did there"
  • #118
- throwing at full health

I've been using that to win the kill 10 deer minigame.

I still haven't gotten 10 in a row though.

  • #119
Not mind blowing but today I found out that bomb arrows do not work in the rain as their fuse goes out and it shoots a dud.

Similarly, it's a bad idea to use them near Death Mountain.
  • #120
If you grab some honeycomb, and the bees start chasing you, patching them over any sort of open flame (with smoke) will instantly incapacitate the bees.

"Smoking out" bees is done in real life to immobilize bees when extracting honey.

I feel like a savage now because I just bomb them, lol
  • #121
<= Shield quick menu to equip new one if broke
=> Sword quick menu to equip new one if broke
ZR then => Bow quick menu to equip new one if broke

Some people do not know that last one.

ZR then <= while Bow is out for quick menu for choosing arrow type
Mar 26, 2006
  • #122
Yeah the Master Sword is the first thing I tried when I got it. It worked exactly like I thought it would, too.
  • #123
You can break any chest and make the item drop. Literally just figured this out on accident
  • #124
Not mind blowing but today I found out that bomb arrows do not work in the rain as their fuse goes out and it shoots a dud.

On the other hand, pull out a bomb arrow in a fiery area, and you won't like what happens.

Oops, beaten

  • #125
Similarly, it's a bad idea to use them near Death Mountain.

On the other hand, pull out a bomb arrow in a fiery area, and you won't like what happens.

Oops, beaten

oh boi
  • #126
Climbing a waterfall by using your freeze ability

You mean Cryonis or something else? Because I can't do this.

I posted this in the other Zelda thread too.

Some really nice ones there.

  • #127
On the other hand, pull out a bomb arrow in a fiery area, and you won't like what happens.

Oops, beaten

That is super interesting because
you can stun fireblight ganon with 2 bomb arrows, too bad you cant use them in death mountain, but if you fight it in a diferent location it works
  • #128
I found out yesterday that there are bears in this game and you can ride them, and also they always stay mad.
Oct 7, 2014
  • #129
For me, it is the shield parry to kill guardians.
  • #130
you can reflect guardian's laser to them with the parry!

With any type of shield? HolyShit !!!
  • #131
Stealth in the yiga just stasis people.

  • #132
With any type of shield? HolyShit !!!
Any type of shield even a pot lid. Takes three perfect parries. If you mess one up shield automatically breaks
  • #133
With any type of shield? HolyShit !!!

Yup, I use bad shields because if you push the parry too late, you lose even strong shields on one shot
except for one special shield
Nov 2, 2007
  • #134
i knew everything but this

what the FUCK

It's mentioned in the loading screen tooltips.
  • #135
Don't know if it's been said in here, but riding the coal mining carts along the tracks at Eldin / Death Mountain.

I was giddy.

  • #136
So tempted to read all of these but too many spoilers. Plus, it's motivation to experiment more. I'm still really early into the game. I just found out that you can board/drop off horses at the stabe. This is after I learned how to catch and tame them on my own. I also learned how to shield surf and go into to slow motion with the bow.

Awesome game!

  • #137
Alternate thread title: "OMG I didn't know that could happen".

Or: "Who knew the Chemistry Engine is a real thing and it rocks!"
  • #138
Here is a big one that can save you some coin. You only need 1 part of the fireproof armor to avoid melting on Deathmountain. So don't buy that dumbass tin can helmet for 2k rupees.

Alternatively the Ice/Blizzard rod but thats no fun.

  • #139
1. press X then + to bypass blood moon sequence
2. If you go around without clothes people will react, the Korok maracs guy will complement you on being natural, like him.
  • #140
If you cut down a tree with a flame blade, you won't get a stack of wood, but a campfire.
  • #141
You can drop food in hot/cold areas and they'll cook or freeze

Putting a Fire weapon on you back heats you up, vice versa for Ice weapon

You can change dropped Chu Jelly by swiping at them with Fire, Ice or Electric weapons

As long as you don't run, a full Sneaking Suit can walk at whatever speed you want and you won't be detected if you're not seen.
  • #142
You can call your horse, start running, let your horse reach you while running and hop on the horse without losing momentum.

fucking LOVE this. It made SOTC so god damn annoying i couldt do this especially on the sand dragon boss
  • #143
Not sure if this is common knowledge but the "white/silver" Bokoblins drop Rubies and Sapphires. It's pretty nifty.

Also cooking during a Blood Moon will boost the food.

  • #144
Not sure if this is common knowledge but the "white/silver" Bokoblins drop Rubies and Sapphires. It's pretty nifty.

Also cooking during a Blood Moon will boost the food.

Same with White Moblins and Lizalfos (not the snow ones).
  • #145
You can ride Bears, deer, and other wild life.
I hear you can tame Wolves and dogs (and that you can pet them) but I haven't figured out how

Bro, I have played for 90 godamn hours and you're telling me there are fucking BEARS in this game?
  • #146
Bro, I have played for 90 godamn hours and you're telling me there are fucking BEARS in this game?

Yup. They're slow as shit, though.
Feb 7, 2008
  • #147
When you're looking for a shrine nearby, it's usually a good idea to look up first. If the shrine is in open space, you'll see a group of birds flying around it.
  • #148
I didn't know your horse could die...


  • #149
I just found out this one just now:

While riding a horse, you can do a dismount by pressing B and jump off forward while pressing X, but I just found out you can jump off backwards by pressing B while the horse is doing a canter.

Also, there are four speeds a horse can go: Walk, Trot, Canter, and Gallop (dash). While pressing A can make the horse go up a level of speed, tapping back on the left stick can make the horse "downshift" to the next lower speed. This can be great if you are galloping but need to slow down for better control of your turning, which is much worse when you are at in the middle of a gallop. Just a quick tap back though, because if you hold it down for too long, you'll pull the reigns to stop.

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