
How to optimize and speed up Microsoft Outlook

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These tips aid you lot speed up Microsoft Outlook 2022/2019/2016. Nosotros have iii tips out of which, 1 is a visual explaining how to optimize MS Outlook. Disable unwanted Add-ins, Compact & Combine PST Files, Archive Mail & Contacts Folders! While these tips will help y'all to speed up Microsoft Outlook, as well as keep it running without hogging on the CPU resource to kill other applications.

Speed upwardly Microsoft Outlook

Use these tips to optimize and speed upwards a dull Outlook 2022/2013/2010 on Windows 10/8/7. This will amend Outlook performance for sure!

  1. Disable unwanted Add together-ins
  2. Meaty & Combine PST Files
  3. Disable RSS Feed feature
  4. Repair Outlook PST & OST files
  5. Archive Post & Contacts Folders.

1] Disable Unwanted Add-ins

Speed Up Microsoft Outlook[Steps To Disable Outlook Addins – Click To Enlarge]

Equally with any program, many applications install their ain plugins to Outlook besides. This makes up for a heavy CPU usage, making your computer slower and may also hang it for a while or two. The method to disable Outlook addins is described in the image. Click the image to open up its full size in a new tab.

2] Meaty & Combine PST Files

Speed Up Microsoft Outlook

Outlook slows down as the unlike PST files become larger and larger. 1 method is to compact the PST files:

  1. Right-click on the account (example Outlook) in the navigation pane towards the left
  2. Select Properties and and then, Advanced
  3. Click Compact At present

Another method involves combining different (POP3 only) accounts into a unmarried PST file and then that Outlook doesn't have to load different PST files that get in slower. Exercise check our article on how to combine multiple Outlook Inbox(es).

3] Disable RSS Feed if you do non use information technology

Open Options > Advanced Options. Here, uncheck Sync RSS Feeds to the Common Feed List to disable the RSS feed feature. You should also delete all unrequifeeds stored in Outlook past going to the Business relationship Settings.

iv] Repair Outlook PST & OST files

You may repair decadent Outlook PST & OST personal information files with Inbox Repair Tool

5] Annal Mail & Contacts Folders In MS Outlook

Most of us tend to go along very old emails and contacts that we no more utilize. While at that place is an pick to export the unabridged PST file and and then go ahead deleting each mail service that we don't demand anymore, information technology is improve to fix up MS Outlook to annal files automatically. When y'all plough on Motorcar Archive in Outlook for any folder, MS Outlook checks for mail items older than the time flow you specify and archives them into Archive.pst into a folder yous specify.

To (auto) archive a folder, right-click on the folder and select Properties. Become to the Automobile Archive tab (see epitome beneath). Ready: (a) threshold for archiving; and (b) the folder where you want the quondam items to be archived. You may specify additional settings or fifty-fifty use the default 1.


Do note that until y'all gear up Auto Archive, Microsoft Outlook will not optimize folders in PST files. This explains how to optimize MS Outlook for speed.

If y'all have any further tips, please share with us.

Speed Up Microsoft Outlook

Arun Kumar is a Microsoft MVP alumnus, obsessed with technology, especially the Internet. He deals with the multimedia content needs of training and corporate houses. Follow him on Twitter @PowercutIN


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