
What Size Drain Pipe For Washing Machine

Asked by: Vencislav Freyhold
asked in category: Full general Last Updated: 9th March, 2020

What size of drain is required for a washing machine?

The standard for new washing machine bleed sizes, according to the Universal Plumbing Code, is now 2 inches. The pipe should be betwixt 18 and 30 inches loftier from the floor, while the P-trap should be betwixt 6 and 18 inches from the floor. These standpipes connect into the home sewage system.

The bleed hose, which drains the water out of the washer, tin be connected to an existing laundry sink or into the stand up pipe. The drain hose is bachelor in unlike lengths, and universal sizes are 1 to 1¼ inches in diameter.

Ane may also ask, does a washing car drain demand to be vented? If the bleed of your washing machine fits tightly into the drain, you definitely demand a washing machine drain vent. It allows air in which prevents the possibility of a vacuum forming that could impact the water draining from your washing machine.

Besides, how exercise you make a drain pipe for a washing machine?

Washer Drain

  1. Locate a drainpipe to which you tin can connect the washer drain.
  2. Cut the pipe with a hacksaw and install a wye plumbing fixtures or a sanitary tee, depending on the orientation of the pipage.
  3. Run a length of 2-inch ABS piping to the wall behind the washing machine.

Can a washer and sink share a bleed?

The plumbing lawmaking requires ane on every drain and has established rules governing its size and distance from the fixture trap. If you're joining a washing machine and kitchen sink on the same bleed, you may exist able to vent them both with a unmarried vent if they are close enough together.

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